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ESD 모델

HBM, MM, CDM 3가지 모델이 있으며, 각각의 테스트에 해당하는 테스트 회로와 입력 stress 파형의 조건이 다르다.
파형은 rise time (Tr), delay time(Td), 입력 전류 최대치(Ipeak) 가 각각 다르다.
아래 각각의 파형에 기준치가 기록이 되어 있다.

1. HBM (Human Body Model)

The HBM pulse peak current at 400 V must be 0.27 +/- 10% A

Three examples of industry standards that define HBM ESD testing are JEDEC’sJESD22-A114, the  MIL-STD-883 Method 3015 and  ESD Association’s ESD STM5.1: Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity Testing — Human Body Model

2. MM (Machine Model)

The MM peak current at 400 V must be 5.8 +/- 20% A

Two examples of industry standards that define MM ESD testing are JEDEC’s JESD22-A115 and  ESD Association’s ESD STM5.2: Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity Testing — Machine Model.

3. CDM (Charged Device Model)

The CDM peak current at 400 V must be 2.1 +/- 20% A

Two examples of industry standards that define CDM ESD testing are JEDEC’s JESD22-C101 and  ESD Association’s ESD STM5.3.1: Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity Testing — Charged Device Model

4. ESD Sensitivity Classfication Levels

Table 1. ESDS Component Sensitivity Classification – Human Body Model

(Per ESD STM5.1-1998*)


Voltage Range

Class 0

< 250 volts

Class 1A

250 volts to < 500 volts

Class 1B

500 volts to < 1,000 volts

Class 1C

1000 volts to < 2,000 volts

Class 2

2000 volts to < 4,000 volts

Class 3A

4000 volts to < 8000 volts

Class 3B

> = 8000 volts


Table 2. ESDS Component Sensitivity Classification – Machine Model
(Per ESD STM5.2-1999*)


Voltage Range

Class M1

< 100 volts

Class M2

100 volts to < 200 volts

Class M3

200 volts to < 400 volts

Class M4

> or = 400 volts


Table 3. ESDS Component Sensitivity Classification – Charged Device Model
(Per ESD STM5.3.1-1999*)


Voltage Range

Class C1

<125 volts

Class C2

125 volts to < 250 volts

Class C3

250 volts to < 500 volts

Class C4

500 volts to < 1,000 volts

Class C5

1,000 volts to < 1,500 volts

Class C6

1,500 volts to < 2,000 volts

Class C7

=>2,000 volts

출처: http://www.siliconfareast.com/esd.htm